"The difficulty with this latter statement is that it is evident from
Dahl’s own account that the Notables are in fact uninterested in two of the
three “key” decisions he has chosen. In regard to the public school issue, for
example, Dahl points out that many of the Notables live in the suburbs and that
those who do live in New Haven choose in the main to send their children to
private schools “As a conse- quence,” he writes, “their interest in the public
schools is ordinarily rather slight.“21 Nomina- tions by the two political
parties as an impor- tant “issue-area?” is somewhat analogous to the public
schools, in that the apparent lack of interest among the Notables in this issue
is partially accounted for by their suburban resi- dence-because of which they
are disqualified from holding public office in New Haven. In- deed, Dahl
himself concedes that with respect to both these issues the Notables are
largely indifferent: “Business leaders might ignore the public schools or the
political parties without any sharp awareness that their indifference would
hurt their pocketbooks"
In my opinion, this passage allows the reader to comprehend how we, as a society help shape how much power an issue can have. In this paragraph Dahl explains how the educational system is not taken as a priority, instead it is the last thing people are worrying about. To add, he mentions that people who did not live in the suburb areas are sending their children to private schools. Since it is known that these schools can provide better education, parents favor these schools and forget how bad these public school are becoming. As a parent I can understand them and honestly who could blame them, they are only trying to do what is best for their children. Since this is not affecting these families they stop worrying about it and became uninterested about the issue. However, this issue is still happening and nothing is getting better. No one in the city was fighting for things to improved instead they were finding new ways of dealing with the problems and forgetting about it. Although, private schools seem to work out for these families it is not always going to be the same. There are various other social issues that are still happening. We as a society have stopped paying attention to things that do not involve us and this is only going to hurt us in the long run. This is only allowing others to determent whether something should be a priority or not.