Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Assignment number 7 

America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts

    "This election year we can expect to hear a lot about Congressional district gerrymandering, which is when political parties redraw district boundaries to give themselves an electoral advantage.
Gerrymandering is at least partly to blame for the lopsided Republican representation in the House. According to an analysis I did last year, the Democrats are under-represented by about 18 seats in the House, relative to their vote share in the 2012 election. The way Republicans pulled that off was to draw some really, really funky-looking Congressional districts."
To my understanding the  above passage is referring to the unfairness during the elections.  From my understanding gerrymandering is considered to be responsible that one party overrules certain districts.  In my understanding from the article gerrymandering, refers to the control of a party over the elections and the government. Even though, it seems to be legal all it does it favors a party. according to the passage in 2012 it favor the Republicans. However, gerrymandering is consider to be unfair because it is only favoring one party and these candidates only used it for their favor. 
the reason why i choose this passage is because i believe that it is extremely important for people to know how elections work. I personally did not know anything about gerrymandering. This honestly seems like the author states " really funky-looking". after learning about this information my view about the way these politically parties run during the elections has totally change. It even seems like during elections we are not able to have a voice. 

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